Ending Gender Discrimination, Women Now Allowed To Sing Inside Golden Temple Darbar Sahib

Women will now be able to worship and sing inside the golden temple darbar sahib – ending years and years of gender discrimination.

A recent ruling by the Punjab government has given a green signal to females being allowed to sing religious hymns inside the sacred place.

A unanimous decision was made in Punjab assembly earlier this week, allowing the Sikh women to do what their male counterparts were able to do for years.

One of the state ministers pointed out how Sikhism founder Guru Nanak Dev himself fought against any form of discrimination, hence it did not fall in line with true Sikh beliefs to carry on with this form of bias.

“There was no mention in the Sikh history of any discrimination against women,” state minister, Tript Rajinder Singh Bajwa was quoted as saying.

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It is surprising that it wasn’t allowed already, but better late than never.

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