“If certain things are so wrong, then they should not be sold” Says Ajay Devgn On Vimal Elaichi Controversy, After Akshay Kumar’s Apology For Promoting The Brand

Ajay Devgn has lent his two cents on the whole Vimal Elaichi debacle. The actor has long-been mocked for his association with the ‘pan masala/elaichi” and quote-unquote “mouth-freshener” brand, as people have often linked it with the usage of Tobacco-products that cater to a similar demographic. After the recent episode of Akshay Kumar’s short-lived association … ““If certain things are so wrong, then they should not be sold” Says Ajay Devgn On Vimal Elaichi Controversy, After Akshay Kumar’s Apology For Promoting The Brand”

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