Man Takes His Mother To Singapore In Her First Foreign Trip, Says She Is The First From Their Village To Travel Abroad

All middle class individuals in Indian society dream of reciprocating love and care back to their parents, one way or another – for all the hardships they go through to make ends meet. Those who are raised in lower or middle income households are well aware of how the demanding financial costs of higher studies … “Man Takes His Mother To Singapore In Her First Foreign Trip, Says She Is The First From Their Village To Travel Abroad”

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Anand Mahindra Gifts A House To ‘Idli Amma’ On Mother’s Day – As She Spent Her Life Selling Idli At Only Rs 1

A few months ago Anand Mahindra had promised the renowned ‘Idli Amma’ a house, after he got to know of her inspiring story through social media. The elderly woman, whose name is M Kamalathal is a resident of Vadivelampalayam village in the Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu. She rises up before sunrise everyday, living in … “Anand Mahindra Gifts A House To ‘Idli Amma’ On Mother’s Day – As She Spent Her Life Selling Idli At Only Rs 1”

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Anand Mahindra To Fund Boxing Academy For Former National Boxer Who Drives Auto To Survive

Remember we recently posted about the story of a former national-level boxer, who was pushed into working as an auto-driver due to his financial cicumstnaces? Abid Khan’s story recently went viral, after a video showcased how the once-national-level athlete was now driving an auto to make ends-meet. Khan was a boxing champion back in the … “Anand Mahindra To Fund Boxing Academy For Former National Boxer Who Drives Auto To Survive”

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Anand Mahindra Buys a House For ‘Idli Amma’ Who Sells Idlis To Poor People For Rs 1

Remember Idli Amma? The now-internet-famous ageing entrepreneur, who runs a small kitchen and keeps herself occupied with it by cooking and selling idlis has once again come to limelight for all the good reasons. K Kamalathal – is her real name, and she earlier garnered a lot of attention and affection for continuing to sell … “Anand Mahindra Buys a House For ‘Idli Amma’ Who Sells Idlis To Poor People For Rs 1”

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