Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal Pledges Rs 700 Crore Towards Education Of Children Of Delivery Partners

Deepinder Goyal – the CEO of Zomate has earned innumerable praises from people after his recent humanitarian pledge.

The 38 year old has pledged to extend a large sum of money towards the education of children of the company’s delivery partners or delivery agents.

Goyal stated that he’s decided to donate all the proceeds from employee stock options (ESOPs), which he collected from investors and directors, to the Zomato Future Foundation (ZFF).

The humongous sum of Rs 700 crores would benefit the livelihoods of children of delivery partners

Here’s what he was quoted saying announcing the good news:

“To reap the most benefit for ZFF, and protect the interests of our shareholders, I do not intend to liquidate all these shares immediately but over the next few years. For the first year, I will liquidate less than 10% of these ESOPs towards this fund.”

Deepinder also stated that the organization is open to receiving more funds from the employees for the cause, as he further plans to establish it as an independent body.

The task at hand aims to reach out to 2 kids per Zomato delivery partner, providing ₹50,000 per child per year on actuals. The benefit is for those who have been with Zomato for over 5 years.

For employees with 10 years of experience with the company, it will provide a sum of Rs 1 lakh per child, per year.

Truly a initiative that promises to change the lives of so many!
