Inspiring: Nurse Dances To Cheer Paralyzed Patient During Physiotherapy [Viral Video]

We have often heard people say how important it is for your mind to be in a sound place, for you to heal completely from something that is physical.

Often times, the state of her physical health takes a toll on her mental well being as well, and a little bit of cheer and happiness certainly helps those in such situations, along the way.

A recently shared viral video shows how the medical staff often goes out of their way to ensure such cheer is maintained in the lives of those who are dealing with something difficult concerning their health.

In the video, a nurse is seen dancing in front of a patient who apparently suffers from some kind of paralysis, to cheer him up and to uplift his mood.

The video was shared on Twitter by IPS officer Dipanshu Kabra and has since gone viral.

Check it out:

Truly the love and support provided by supporting medical staff like nurses is essential to the overall betterment of every patient.

Kudos to this nurse for going out of her way to cheer the man!
