Woman Distributes Leftover Food From Brother’s Wedding To The Poor And Needy, Story Goes Viral

A woman from West Bengal has won several hearts on internet by making the best example of how not to waste extra food in lavish Indian wedding celebrations.

We have often complained about how Indian weddings see severe wastage of food, as the preparations often exceed the actual mouths that are fed in the ceremony, but a woman named – Nilanjan Mondal from WB set an example of how to avoid that by distributing the extra food to the poor and needy.

It was Nilanjan’s brother’s wedding reception a few weeks ago and she decided to give away the leftover food from the wedding to the poor and sat down to distribute the same herself after the function was completed.

Locals lined-up to get a plate of food from Mondal as seen in the pictures made viral through a wedding photographer’s group on Facebook.

The heartening image and story won over people, as they lauded Mondal’s efforts and her willingness to smartly utilize the given resources for charitable efforts.

If all Indian functions, and restaurants – which see a lot of wastages on a daily basis, come together with initiates like this – we could end up feeding a lot of hungry stomachs.
