Here Is What Sonu Sood Said When Asked If He’d Run For The Post Of Prime Minister of India…

In the past one year Sonu Sood, an actor mostly known for his chiseled physique and action sequences, has become one of the most admired humanitarians of the country.

Sood’s popularity multiplied several times when he came to the aid of those countless migrating labour forces, who were forced to flee from the cities after a nationwide lockdown shut down all their sources of income.

Soon after that he became the ‘go-to’ point for all those seeking urgent and immediate help, as people started reaching out to him on Twitter for assistance on issues ranging from their financial troubles, student loans, medical emergencies and more recently – covid hospitalizations.

Given his constant urge to help out those in need, Sood has often been asked if he’d like to be in a position to lead the country and serve the society by even greater means.

Responding to a question, asking if he’d ever like to run for the post of the Prime Minister of India, the actor-turned-humanitarian stated:

“Hum aam aadmi hi achein hain (I am better off as a commoner).”

Even as a “common man”, Sonu Sood has proven himself better than many leaders out there.

Wish to have more celebs like him in India, who let their actions speak louder than words.
