Muslim Men Cremate 60 Hindu COVID Victims As Families Unable To Perform Last Rites

With the ongoing spread of Covid-19 several families have been facing the unfathomable tragedy of losing their loved ones, through the horrifying disease.

To make it worse, the contagious nature of the virus, is also barring several people from performing the last rites and funerals of the deceased, out of fear of catching on the virus.

A similar situation was faced in Bhopal, when several bodies of Covid-19 victims were unable to be cremated, due to the familial fear of getting infected or the rules and restrictions at cremation grounds.

This is when – Danish Siddiqui and Saddam Qurashi, who are residents of Bhopal, came forward to cremate around 60 such Hindu covid victims.

Breaking religious barriers and putting humanity first, the Muslim duo set an example and joined the lines of several other groups and individuals across the country, who have been reaching out to those in need, in these testing times.

Both Danish and Saddam are fasting for Ramadan, but in spite of it the duo visit hospitals frequently to carry dead bodies to cremation grounds, helping in the funeral process as per Hindu rituals.

Their act has been lauded by everyone, for not only putting the communal barriers aside, but also providing a sense of closure to troubled families in their locality.

Way to go!

We certainly need more selfless people like Danish and Saddam around us.
