Mumbai Doctor Becomes Tearful In Video While Speaking On Covid Crisis, Urges People To Wear Masks

As the Covid situation continues to worsen across the nation, with more fatalities than ever before, the doctors and front-line workers are seeing the situations first-hand, and it is certainly not a pleasant sight.

With hospitals suffering from lack of proper infrastructure, shortage of oxygen supplies and running out of beds for patients, the worrisome situations has taken a toll on the mental health of many individuals who are looking after the situation on the frontline.

Now a viral video of a doctor, emotionally pleading everyone to follow all the Covid-19 related restrictions and rules properly has gone viral, showcasing the impact the situation has had.

Dr Trupti Gilada uploaded the now-viral video, in which she was seen getting teary-eyed, explaining her circumstances and the situations in hospitals.

“We are helpless, never seen such a situation before, people are panicking,” she says.

She further says:

“Like many doctors I am troubled, I don’t know what to do. I am heartbroken. Maybe if I tell you what worries me, if I can help you understand, I might be more at peace.”

Watch her heart-wrenching video below:

Perhaps this should open the eyes of those, who have been taking the situation lightly and have not been following the guidelines properly.

People are dying, families are losing their loved ones – let us continue to stay at our homes and follow all measures that we are being asked to, to keep ourselves and our families safe.

We shall overcome.
