100 Year Old Grandma Recovers From Covid-19, Sings Assamese Songs To Celebrate

While there are stories from across the globe about people of all ages succumbing to the Covid-19 virus, with death toll on a constant increase and number of cases showing no signs of stopping at all, there are some stories in the midst of this pandemic – that are giving us the motivation to carry on.

One such story comes from Guwahati, where a 100 year old woman recovered after being infected with the virus and sang happy tunes as she was readied for her discharge.

As you might know, senior citizens are considered one of the most vulnerable groups, when it comes to Covid-19 virus. Not only because their immunity is expected to be on the lower side, but also because their body might find it extra difficult to fight off the virus.

But despite it all, 100 year old Mai Handique fought her way out of the disease and came out healthy, becoming national news in the process.

Even the doctors were a little sceptical about her chances of recovery, considering her age and her history with hypertension, but Aita remained cheerful and positive through it all, and that perhaps contributed to her overall well-being.

After her recovery, the grandma sang Assamese songs in celebration of her victory over Covid and thanked the nursing and hospital staff for all their help during her stay at the Mahendra Mohan Chowdhury Hospital.

Take a peak below:

It is stories like this, that helps us push through another day and look at the horizon, to a world free of Covid-19.

Congrats, grandma. Keep well.
