Girl Asks Sonu Sood To Increase Her Mobile Internet Speed, Here’s How He Responded…

Sonu Sood has turned into this new-found messiah for troubled folks, that people are now quick to turn to him – when they’re in a desperate financial or health crisis.

The actor – has emerged as an active humanitarian during this pandemic, who has helped people in a range of issues – starting from sending migrant workers back to their home to arranging for surgery for a partially disabled girl.

Approaching him is also easy – by just Tweeting him and writing down the severity of your problems.

As the trend of the actor responding to such plights, continues to be on the rise, a girl on Twitter jokingly asked him if he could help increase her mobile internet speed.

And to her own surprise – he responded.

“@SonuSood Please help me to increase the internet speed of my mobile.. It’s disgusting,” she said.

The actor also responded with some humour, insisting he’s presently stuck on solving some other mundane problems of the world, so she might just have to manage “till tomorrow”.

He said:

“Can you manage till tomorrow morning? right now busy with getting someone’s computer repaired, someone’s marriage fixed, getting someone’s train ticket confirmed, someone’s house’s water problem. Such important jobs people have assigned to me कृपा ध्यान दें।”

Apart from all the fun and jokes, the actor has really turned into a saviour of sorts, who really does provide readily help to whoever reaches out to him on Twitter.

God bless Sonu Sood!
