A Place Where People Keep Rotten Dead Bodies Of Their Relatives At Home…

In the southern Sulawesi region of Indonesia, perhaps the most taboo post-death ritual – which dates back to several centuries before, still takes place.

The people of the Toraja community who belong to the southern hilly area of the country, like to hold on to their deceased relatives long after their demise.

The community believes that the soul of a person still resides in the body even after the deaths of the individuals, because of which the people of this remote area do not cremate their family members immediately after their passing.

These families keep the bodies of their deceased relatives in their homes, dress them up proper and treat them as regular folks – as they lay, sit or stand at various corners of their residences.

Some of these bodies could be kept at home from weeks to months, leading to them starting to decompose while still being out in the open air. Their clothes are changed, their bodies cleansed periodically and their belongings kept with them – the family do treat them in a manner, which falls in line with their belief – that the members do still feel the good and bad behavior around them.

According to the people of this group, the process also allows the mourning families to take more time than usual to say their goodbyes after having to let go of their relatives suddenly.

After taking care of the people for several weeks to months, the bodies are then put in a casket in a nearby locality, and an effigy in their memory is created and placed in a hill facing the entire area.

These effigies are placed in such manner that they seem to ‘watch-over’ the entire valley. This is believed to be symbolic of the spirits of the deceased ‘looking after’ the entire village and the families they’ve left behind.

Watch this video featuring some of the pictures taken from the community’s rituals:


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