Watch: Pakistani Journalist Stands in Neck-Deep Water To Report About Floods in Hilarious Video!

The number of theatrics being employed by new our channels these days truly know no bar.

Take for instance this Pakistani journalist from G-TV News, who decided to give a ground-level report of a flooded area in the country by venturing into the neck-deep water himself.

Azdar Hussain – reported from a flooded Punjab and the video which was shared on the news network’s YouTube channel has now been going viral.

Featuring Hussain in neck-deep water in a dramatic footage being boasted as a ‘brave attempt by the journalist to put his life in danger for his duties’ – by the channel, the hilarity and the unnecessary trick is now catching people’s attention for all the wrong reasons.

Needless to say, netizens are now roasting the journalist as well as the channel for the footage.

Watch it for yourself:


Was it really necessary to create a mockery out of the situation like this?

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