Lisa Ray Celebrates her Twins’ Third Month, with an Adorable Picture!

Only a while ago Lisa Ray announced to the world about her advent to motherhood, in a heartwarming exclusive peice for Bombay Times.

The actress, who became a mother to two adorable twin daughters born through surrogacy, recently shared another cute picture of the babies as they turned 3 months old.

Addressing her babies as ‘Soufle’, Lisa wrote the following on her Instagram upload:

“Our Soufflé is three months old. Born June 22nd, at 36 weeks they were tiny, like baby birds slipped out of the nest. Since then, Jason and I have entered a garden bursting with color and while the tending can feel a bit trying at time, it’s an incredible initiation: to receive grace and boundless love through these two perfect beings, Sufi and Soleil. Thanks for choosing us, little ones ?”

Take a look at her picture perfect babies below:

Piglet: How do you spell love? Pooh: you don’t spell it. You feel it. -AA Milne To this, most beloved quote I would add: ‘You feel it. You write about it.’ Meet my daughters Sufi and Soleil born June 22nd. It’s been a long and interesting journey leading up to their entrance into the world. So much gratitude to the team @bazaarindia (Komal Sharma and Sitara) and in particular @nonitakalra for providing a sensitive platform for my writing. The September issue is on stands now. Hope you get a chance to read it. ‘I’m no longer ending at the limits of my skin. Where do I end and where do I begin?’ More to come with @bazaarindia down the line. Right now I’m in the middle of a feed and perfecting my one handed typing. Image of Sufi and Soleil @dinophotography_georgia via @bazaarindia

‘Motherhood is like drilling into your heart. It’s also like trying to change your clothes in the middle of a roller coaster ride-new skills all the way. There’s a new level of anarchy and love in my life now, but also a fullness that’s hard to describe’ via @vogueindia #thankyouuniverse #thankyoueveryone #MySouffle @aligphoto @jomakeupartist @mariechantalchildren

Our Soufflé is three months old. Born June 22nd, at 36 weeks they were tiny, like baby birds slipped out of the nest. Since then, Jason and I have entered a garden bursting with color and while the tending can feel a bit trying at time, it’s an incredible initiation: to receive grace and boundless love through these two perfect beings, Sufi and Soleil. Thanks for choosing us, little ones 🙏 #Sufi #Soleil #Souffle #girlsrock #twinmommylife #heartbursting image @aligphoto @dinophotography_georgia

Simply adorable chubby-cheeked cuties, aren’t they?
