Top Ten Greatest Indian movies of all time – ranking by Soundpasta

Indian movie industry has been around for more than 100 years now. So, one can imagine how monumental a task of putting together the 10 greatest cinematic masterpieces from this time frame would be.

As challenging as it was, we have managed to put together some of the finest pieces of cinematic opuses which have delivered anything remotely close to “cinematic perfection” – starting from the screenplay, the performances, the cinematography to the story, the direction and the overall execution.

The criteria was simple – we did not pay any mind to the box office returns or big budgets, neither did we give any browny points for the presence of big stars and popular names.

The movies that have been picked in the list – include those that have given us outstanding ration of art that made them stand out from the other offerings of their respective eras; movies that have achieved something outstanding in the field of cinematic excellence.

Want to see which movie was featured on the rest of our top 10?

Watch our new video summing up the 10 classic gems of Indian cinema:


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Which movies would have constituted your top 10?

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