When Kader Khan Said He Was Out From a Film After Not Calling Amitabh Bachchan ‘Sir’

Kader Khan was one of the most respected and renowned actors in the 80’s and 90’s comic and family dramas of Bollywood. The seasoned star had a long string of varied roles, which ranged from adorably hilarious to unspeakably devilish. But despite his longevity, his ride in tinsel town wasn’t all that smooth, as you’d … “When Kader Khan Said He Was Out From a Film After Not Calling Amitabh Bachchan ‘Sir’”

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Top 10 ACTUAL Best Hindi Movies of 2019, That You May Have Missed..!!

2019 concluded on a note, that saw the most formulaic movies in Indian cinema fall face-down in dust, while small-budgeted content-driven movies continued to gather momentum. While Indian audiences still have a long-way to go, before they’re fully capable of letting go of just blindly chasing ‘what is popular’, but the shift towards appreciating art … “Top 10 ACTUAL Best Hindi Movies of 2019, That You May Have Missed..!!”

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