Censor Board Has Suggested Changes To Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan, Including It’s Songs

Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film Pathaan is already facing a lot of controversies, even before it’s release. Earlier being celebrated as the ‘comeback’ film of the actor, after her past few releases were proven to be box office failures, the film ignited a major controversy due to it’s recently released song ‘Besharam Rang.’ The film … “Censor Board Has Suggested Changes To Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan, Including It’s Songs”

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8 Scenes from Bollywood Movies that were Deleted by the Censor Board

Even if you look back at the pre-Pahlaj Nihlani-era, if there’s one thing that has been consistent with the Indian Censor Board, it is their controversial choices when it comes what is to be chopped from movies and what is not. Aside from the usual censorship on scenes revolving around sex and violence, some of … “8 Scenes from Bollywood Movies that were Deleted by the Censor Board”

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