Top 10 Comedy Films of Priyadarshan

If the 90’s had David Dhawan, creating some iconic comedy classics with Govinda, there was also Priyadarshan who worked parallel to give us a different kind of laughter through the genre. But unlike Dhawan, Priyadarshan’s films always seemed more refined, whose characters were more well-crafted and seemed to have been inspired from real lives. His … “Top 10 Comedy Films of Priyadarshan”

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Top 10 Govinda Films – The Actor’s Classic Comedies To Tickle Your Funny Bone

Govinda was the definitive go-to when it came to comic reliefs back in the 90’s. The energetic actor with a genius in his comic timing and skills created a number of slapstick, thorough entertainers during this period – earning himself the reputation of the genre’s poster-child. The actor’s collaborations with filmmaker David Dhawan – created … “Top 10 Govinda Films – The Actor’s Classic Comedies To Tickle Your Funny Bone”

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