9 Things That Bollywood Should Change For the Better

Every entertainment industry across the world has it’s flaws. What are those flaws about the Hindi film industry that irks you the most? Apart from a fixation towards star-kids and an alleged hostile behaviour towards radical-thinking independent artists, Bollywood has had to endure a lot of questions on the way it functions and operates, over … “9 Things That Bollywood Should Change For the Better”

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Why ‘Swades’ Is The Best Film Of Shah Rukh Khan…

Shah Rukh Khan has had a pretty long career, that has mostly included him being at the top of box-office charts and consistently remaining the most bankable star of an entire generation. And although he’s been associated with plenty of classic Bollywood romances, the one singular movie that stands out the most in his illustrious … “Why ‘Swades’ Is The Best Film Of Shah Rukh Khan…”

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POLL: Who Was The Best Actress in 2020? Vote Here!

Just like our previous poll to find out the ‘Best Actor’ from the year 2020, we have put together a list of some great female performances which came out from Hindi movies in the year 2020. From movies that range from mainstream family entertainers to artsy, cinematic indulgences – we have hand-picked some selected standout … “POLL: Who Was The Best Actress in 2020? Vote Here!”

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POLL: Who Was The Best Actor in 2020? Vote Here!

As the awards season arrive, we’re inclined to look back and celebrate the cinematic gems which came out in the year 2020. But ahead of who sweeps what in all the popular award ceremonies, we’re going to ask you about your opinion on – who stood out the most for you. There were a number … “POLL: Who Was The Best Actor in 2020? Vote Here!”

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Priyanka Chopra Points How She Did Not Win Any Award For Her Role in ‘Barfi’

Priyanka Chopra has a tell-all book about her life and experiences up for release, and ahead of the memoir hitting the shelves, the actress is busy collecting praises for her latest screen-venture ‘The White Tiger.’ The movie has garnered a lot of critical acclaim worldwide, particular for the performances by the entire cast. In her … “Priyanka Chopra Points How She Did Not Win Any Award For Her Role in ‘Barfi’”

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Reader’s Poll: Which Was YOUR Favourite Movie Of 2020? Vote Here!

Despite lockdown shutting down theaters across the world, putting a stop to long-awaited released in India and beyond, there were a number of stand-out films that were released across alternate platforms. Big releases like Laxxmi Bomb and Coolie No.1, that were meant for the big-screen initially – found their way to the audiences through multiple … “Reader’s Poll: Which Was YOUR Favourite Movie Of 2020? Vote Here!”

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POLL: Who Gave the ‘Best Performance’ Among Females in 2020? Vote Here!

As 2020 comes to an end, it is time for us to reflect back at some of the best artworks that were offered to us in the world of movies, during this period. While majority of the releases that were initially planned for this year had to be postponed due to the lock down, which … “POLL: Who Gave the ‘Best Performance’ Among Females in 2020? Vote Here!”

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POLL: Who Gave The ‘Best Performance’ Among Males in 2020? Vote Here!

2020 has been quite an un-eventful year when it comes to the world of movies, due to the worldwide lockdown. As the year comes to an end now, we look back to celebrate the best that the world of movies had to offer – even the ones that had to head straight to streaming platforms, … “POLL: Who Gave The ‘Best Performance’ Among Males in 2020? Vote Here!”

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4 Most Shocking Fights in Indian Award Shows – Unscripted and Uncensored

Although a lot seems scripted about our Desi award shows, right down to who is plotted to take home the big trophies – there are some things that go sideways despite it all being planned and rehearsed. Every now and then we have witnessed some pretty nasty fights and arguments, that make award ceremonies seem … “4 Most Shocking Fights in Indian Award Shows – Unscripted and Uncensored”

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Making India Proud: Adil Hussain Wins ‘Best Actor’ Award At ‘Indo-German’ Film Week

Actor Adil Hussain – who’s previously appeared in a number of memorable roles in meaningful Hindi films like – English Vinglish, Mukti Bhawan and Parched has won another accolade at an international film fest. The talented actor has been honoured with Best Actor award at Indo-German film week in Berlin. Hussain’s work has been recognized … “Making India Proud: Adil Hussain Wins ‘Best Actor’ Award At ‘Indo-German’ Film Week”

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