Woman Drives E-Rickshaw While Carrying A Toddler, Viral Video Inspires Internet

A viral video doing the rounds of social media, warmed everyone’s heart this past week as it showed a mother doing the difficult driving an e-rickshaw to provide for her family, while also tending to her toddler.

Showing the strength and resilient of the female spirit, the footage features the woman driver carrying passengers in the commercial vehicle while also carrying a toddler in her lap.

Not only does she challenge the gender-norm, tackling the on-road difficulties of the mostly male-oriented profession, but she also does it while catering to her child, while at work.

Needless to say, internet couldn’t help but get emotional at the comment section of the video.

Watch it below:

Our parents always go out of their way to make ends meet and ensure that there’s food on the table, aside from giving us all the love and affection in the world.

This is one such beautiful example.
