Man Takes His Mother To Singapore In Her First Foreign Trip, Says She Is The First From Their Village To Travel Abroad

All middle class individuals in Indian society dream of reciprocating love and care back to their parents, one way or another – for all the hardships they go through to make ends meet.

Those who are raised in lower or middle income households are well aware of how the demanding financial costs of higher studies often make our parents go out of their way to fulfill their responsivities. And it is always beautiful to see it come full circle later on.

Such a story comes from a remote village in India, wherein a man took his mother on her first trip abroad, after landing a job in Singapore.

Dattatray J – who is a blockchain engineer in Singapore shared pictures from his mother’s trip abroad on his LinkedIn profile. He pointed out how his mother is only the second lady from village after his wife, to have travelled abroad. On a bitter sweet note, he also remembered his late father, and wished he could have been there to witness it all.


Dattatray’s heartwarming post soon went viral as internet praised him for looking after his elderly mother and making he see the world.

He also pointed out how the moment “very important for my family and me.”

He also added – “I really urge people who are traveling/traveled to show the other beautiful part of the world to your parents, irrespective of the period you are traveling for. Trust me, their happiness can not be measured.”

The post has resonated with the masses and has gone immensely viral, and has garnered nearly half a million reactions on the platform.

