Amid Financial Crisis, Vinod Kambli Gets Offered Rs 1 Lakh Per Month Salary By A Maharashtra Businessman

Vinod Kambli was once hailed as one of the best batters of the Indian cricket team. He was often compared with Sachin Tendulkar due to his excellent batting abilities and also because Sachin and Kambli both grew up together playing cricket.

The left handed batter was meant to be the next big thing in Indian cricket but he never managed to reach the heights with the potential he had.

Recently the former Indian batsman opened up about the financial challenges he and his family have been facing nowadays, speaking with the Mid-Day, Kambli said that he needs work and his only source of income is the Rs. 30,000 pension he has been getting from the BCCI.

“I am a retired cricketer, who is completely dependent on the pension from the BCCI. My only payment [source of income] at the moment is from the Board, for which I am really thankful and grateful. It takes care of my family,” he said while speaking with the Mid-day.

Now as the news of his financial condition went viral, A businessman from Maharasthra has come forward to help him as reported by various Marathi websites.

The Maharashtrian businessman Sandeep Thorat has offered the 50 year old cricketer a Rs. 1 Lakh per month job. But as per reports the job is in the Financial division of the company and is not a cricket related assignment.

Vinod Kambli is yet to react on the offer he has received.

