R Madhavan’s Son Vedaant Says, ‘Don’t Wanna Live Under Dad’s Shadow’ After Winning Gold At Danish Open

R Madhavan’s son Vedaant may be a teenager, but he’s already determined and focused for what he seeks to achieve in his future.

Unlike most kids of film-stars of today, Vedaant has ditched the world of showbiz – and instead of following the footsteps of his father, has chosen his path as an athlete.

The 15 year old has been competing in international swimming competition for a couple of years now, and has even won a Gold at a Jr. level Danish competition, representing India.

As internet continues to go gaga over Vedaant’s focus and his achievements at such a young age, he further iterates that he indeed wants to tread his own path, and has no desire to live under his famous dad’s shadow.

In an interview with DD India, here’s what he was quoted as telling:

“I didn’t wanna live under my dad’s shadow. I wanted to make name for myself. I didn’t want to be just R Madhavan’s son”

Vedaant also pointed out how his family and his parents are always there to support him in his athletic goals:

“They are always looking after me. Both put so much effort. One of the main sacrifices my parents made was to shift to Dubai”.

The clarity and focus this young lad had at his age, is truly inspiring!

Way to go, Vedaant.
