“With Immense Pride, I Say That Abhishek Is My Uttaradhikaari” – Amitabh Bachchan Praises Son Like A Proud Father

Amitabh Bachchan has never shied away from expressing how he’s appreciated the growth he’s seen in Abhishek’s career and his work as an artist, over the years.

Just this past year, Big B was all-praise for Jr. Bachchan, after the latter’s act in Bob Biswas – and now the 79 year old yet again in appreciation-mode for Abhishek’s act in his upcoming venture, ‘Dasvi’.

The seasoned star wrote a heartfelt letter for Abhishek, after being impressed by his act in the film.

He wrote:

‘Such pride in the progeny, or as they call it humorously –my progress report! The greatest joy for a Father is to witness the achievements of his children .. to savour the glory they bring to his name .. to be in the recognition as the Father of Abhishek, rather the other way round .. and Abhishek sums it up for me…’

He continued with his praise:

‘And with immense pride, I do say that Abhishek is my ‘uttaradhikaari’ ..his continued efforts, at attempting different and dare I say difficult roles, to portray, are not just a challenge, but a mirror shown to the world of cinema, on his ability as an actor and for them to assuage his credibility and tenacity! They that criticise and ridicule the inability of another, for their inadequacy on a subject, do so, because they themselves do not have the capacity or the ability for the adequacy of the subject.’

Truly, there couldn’t be a better form of appreciation for Jr. Bachchan, we’re sure!
