It’s A Baby Girl: Aditya Narayan And Shweta Agarwal Welcomed Their First Child Earlier This Month

This past week Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal became first-time parents.

The much in-love and recently married duo, welcomed a healthy baby girl in their home in the first week of March, marking a new chapter in their lives.

The girl was born on February 24 at a nursing home in Mumbai and Aditya couldn’t be more excited about his advent to fatherhood.

While speaking to Bombay Times, the singer and host expressed how elated him and his whole family are upon the arrival of their newest family member.

Here’s what he was quoted as saying by Spotboye:

“I was with Shweta when she delivered, and I seriously feel that only a woman can show the kind of strength and perseverance to go through this and bring a child into this world. My love and respect for Shweta has doubled now. ”

He further added:

“I have already started singing songs to her. Music is in her DNA. Her journey of music has begun because it runs in the family. But then, it all depends on what she wants to do when she grows up. Both my grandmothers, my dadi and nani, are extremely excited to see their great-grandchild. I am blessed to have so many women around in the family.”

Many congratulations to the lovely duo and their families!

