Unable To Get Job Despite High Education, Kerala Transgender Teacher Wants Assisted Suicide Through Euthanasia

Transgenders in our community have always been at the receiving end of the worst, that our society had to offer.

Starting from being declared ‘outcasts’ and facing the neglect and abandonment from their families, many transgenders of India find themselves on the streets.

It has often been complained how when some try to seek higher education to start a ‘normal’ life and earn a livelihood like the rest of us, they are often faced with discrimination because of their gender identities.

A similar story has come to light from Kerala, where a transgender individual has been denied of opportunities for a job, despite a significant level of education, that they now seek to end their lives.

Aneera Kabeer, who hails from Ottappalam in the Palakkadu district, has sought legal help to have euthanasia administered on them, as they are being denied of a job due to gender-related discriminations.

Aneera has completed a degree course in Sociology and Political Science and a Master’s in Education. Not only that, they have also qualified for State Eligibility Test (SET) for higher secondary teachers.

And yet, Aneera hasn’t been able to find a job as a teacher.

Aneera has applied for over a dozen jobs, but to no avail.

After the shocking and heartbreaking appeal caught limelight, the minister has directed the concerned officials to provide Aneera with a job and ensure that no workplace harassment or discrimination is faced by Aneera.

Truly, equal rights and complete acceptance of LGBTQ remains a struggle in our society.

Let us hope our officials and governemnts introduce proper laws, to ensure no such discrimination can take place against individuals, based on their sexualities or gender identities.

LGBTQ lives matter.
