Tea Seller In Madhya Pradesh Celebrates Purchase Of Smartphone For His Daughter With Band Baja

They say – we shouldn’t take what we have for granted. For whatever little we are blessed with might mean a lot more greatly to someone else.

This was exemplified by a man in Madhya Pradesh, who got so happy after buying a smartphone for his young daughter that he celebrated the same with a proper band baja.

The man named – Murari Kushwaha, is a tea-seller, who purchased a smartphone worth Rs 12,500 for his daughter and to celebrate the same he walked along a march of drums and horns started from the mobile shop and all the way to his home. The little girl and her friends are seen sitting on a horse carriage, all decked up with lights and their smiles.

It was also the first smartphone purchased by anyone in his family, so the occasion was all the more special.

The viral incident is from Shivpuri town in MP and has been captured in video.

Watch the heartwarming moment of sheer joy below:

Truly – it’s the little things that count and contribute to your happiness!
