Abhishek Bachchan Talks About His Struggle In Bollywood, Was Asked To Vacate Front Row Seat For ‘Bigger Star’

Abhishek Bachchan says that despite him being given an opportunity early on in his career, courtesy of his father, his journey in showbiz hasn’t been as easy and he has had his fare share of struggles.

The Bob Biswas actor recently gave an interview to Rolling Stones India magazine, and spoke about the ‘downs’ he’s faced in his career in Bollywood.

Reflecting back on the same, he was quoted telling the following to the popular publication:

“I’ve been replaced in films. I’ve been replaced in films and not been told. And I’ve literally shown up at the shooting and somebody else is shooting there. And you had to just quietly turn around and walk away. I’ve been told I’ve been replaced in films. People don’t take your call. And that’s, that’s normal. Every actor has gone through it. I’ve seen my father go through it,” Abhishek said, speaking with Rolling Stones India.

He further added that he’s also been in situations in popular award shows and public events, where he’s been asked to vacate the front-row seats for “bigger stars”…

“I’ve been in a situation where I’ve gone to a public function and you’re made to sit in the front row and you feel, ‘Wow! I didn’t think they’d put me in the front row. Okay, great!’ But then a bigger star shows up and they are like, ‘Okay, get up, move to the back’, and you go to the back.”

He added:

“It’s all part of showbiz. You can’t take it personally. What you have to do is come back home, and, before going to bed, promise yourself that I’m going to work so hard. I’m going to become so good that they cannot, and they will not move me from that front row into the back.”

Abhishek has appeared in numerous films since he made his career debut with Refugee, and he’s also won a number of awards for his performances over the years.

But the status-quo in Bollywood, is something that you just cannot escape!

