Same-Sex Couple Celebrates Karvachauth In New Progressive Ad For Dabur – But Sadly, It Has Now Been Lifted

How often do you see LGBTQ inclusivity in the day-to-day representations of things?

Be it families coming together or celebrating festivals – Queer stories are often left out of the mainstream, and we don’t really get to see the sexual minorities of the country getting any visibility.

Recently a new progressive ad from ‘Dabur’ tried to break path, by showcasing a same-sex couple celebrating Karvachauth, in the most beautiful way of the tradition. But sadly it did not go down the throats of everyone.

In the ad for ‘Fem Bleach’, two women are shown preparing for Karvachauth – only to reveal in the finale that they’re keeping the fast for each other. Everything is shown subtly and elegantly here.

But as you’d have it – the advert received a lot of negative feedback online, as people were upset with amalgamating a religious festival with LGBT visibility, and Dabur eventually succumbed to the pressure and pulled back the campaign.

While the ad can still be viewed online, the campaign has ended from the brand as announced by them in an official statement.

Watch the ad for yourself and decide if it’s offensive:

