Priyanka Chopra Appealed To US President To Help India With It’s Current Covid Crisis, Requests Him To Send COVID Vaccines

Priyanka Chopra is the first international celeb to raise her voice on the U.S. government’s initial decision to not send Covid-19 vaccine raw-materials to India, amidst the nation’s need amidst record-breaking Covid cases.

It was earlier revealed that the Indian vaccine manufacturers had raised a request from the U.S. to send a certain vaccine raw material to India, as the vaccination drive to the nation’s 136-plus crore population required more.

The request was earlier denied by the U.S., as they intended to focus on meeting their internal requirements first.

The made the ‘Desi Girl’ take to her social media, and express her concerns of the dire need of more vaccines amidst the ever-increasing Covid cases in India.

Here’s what she stated:

“My heart breaks. India is suffering from COVID19 & the US has ordered 550M more vaccines than needed @POTUS@WHCOS@SecBlinken@JakeSullivan46Thx for sharing AstraZeneca worldwide, but the situation in my country is critical. Will you urgently share vaccines w/ India? #vaxlive”.

While her heart was in the right place, while making the Tweet, by the time she posted it – U.S. had already overturned their initial decision and had eventually agreed to supply the raw materials to the country.

Nevertheless, at least she used her voice – even if it was slightly late.
