Kunal Khemu Becomes Teary Eyed Reflecting On Covid Pandemic, Sings His First Song For Fans

Covid-19 pandemic has affected us all, one way or another.

The disease, and it’s unprecedented outburst has shaken up the very core of our livelihoods that we had taken for granted for very long.

If not for anything else, it is painful to see people struggling to meet ends meet, or losing out there loved ones to the horrible disease.

Actor Kunal Khemu, who was last seen in the hit venture ‘Lootcase’, also reflected on the state of the world today and the level of ‘uncertainty’ that has been brought by the pandemic, and became teary eyed while speaking on it.

He also took the opportunity to display another side of his talents to his fans on social media, as a singer, performing an acoustic version of his first-ever song.

“A message a poem an effort an attempt. Sharing with you something I just put together this morning.” he wrote.

Watch the video below:

Let us try lift each other up whichever way we can.

Together, we shall overcome.
