Positive News: Kerala Dog Who Was Dragged Behind A Car Is Now A Happy Mother Of Three

Remember the viral news of a stray dog from Kerala who was dragged through a car and was badly injured in the process?

The disturbing video of the inhumane act garnered a lot of attention across media outlets, as people called-out those who

The dog was later rescued and taken to a shelter home, where it now seems to have flourished and started a new life.

The female dog, kept in – Daya Animal Welfare, has now become a happy mother of three adorable puppies in the shelter-home – as per the latest update by the welfare organization.

The dog is now named, Abbakka – and she couldn’t be happier with the advent of her three new babies:

All’s well that ends well.

Let us hope there will soon be a complete end to such brutal acts of animal cruelties.
