‘I Was Called A Prostitute’ Aaliyah Kashyap Says She Received Abuses After Sharing Lingerie Pics

Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap’s daughter Aaliyah Kashyap has lashed out at trolls, who sent her abusive messages and replies after the Instagrammer posted her lingerie pictures online.

The 20 year old has stated that she was called a ‘prostitute’ by her haters online, who asked her for her ‘rate’ and sent her other lewd texts, including rape threats, following her bikini pictures.

“People were telling me that I should be ashamed of being Indian and posting stuff like that. People were sending me rape threats, calling me a prostitute, DMing me and asking me what my ‘rate’ was, sending me death threats, s**tting on my family. That whole incident of the picture got me a lot,” she stated.

Aaliyan has always made it clear that Bollywood isn’t something she is fascinated by and has no plans of joining the same as an actress.

That still hasn’t stopped people from calling her out with ugly names.

Strange, how even this day and age people can’t digest a woman dressing and living in her own terms.

The people who have to resort to name-call women for their clothing choices ought to be shamed for doing so.
