Daughter Of A Rickshaw Driver – Manya Singh, Crowned Miss India 2020 Runner-up

This year’s Miss India competition has set an unprecedented example of setting aside class differences and celebrating people irrespective of their economic or social background.

Manya Singh – awarded the runner-up spot in Miss India 2020 has become the new poster-child of winning over life’s trials despite any scarcity of resources.

Born to an auto-rickshaw driver, Manya’s journey is being celebrated across social media, as people are noting how one’s talent and hard-work can get them to their destiny, irrespective of their economic and social status.

Manya, who hails from Uttar Pradesh and belongs to a economically-humble family, stated how her “blood, sweat, and tears have amalgamated into courage to pursue her dreams.”

On an Instagram post, she further stated:

“I’ve spent numerous nights without food and sleep. I’ve spent many afternoons walking for miles on end. My blood, sweat, and tears have amalgamated into courage to pursue my dreams. Being a rickshaw driver’s daughter, I never had the opportunity to attend school as I had to start working in my teens. All the clothes I had were hand-me-downs. I yearned for books, but luck wasn’t in my favour. Eventually, my parents mortgaged whatever little jewellery my mother had to ensure that I paid my exam fees in order to earn a degree. My mother has suffered a lot to provide for me.”

Dreams really do come true!

Thanks Manya, for sharing your story and inspiring others to fight for their dreams no matter where they come from.
