2020 In-Review: Sonu Sood Became a Messiah For the Poor and Humanitarian of the Year

In a world that is already filled with plenty of problems for the poor and needy in our society, 2020 brought along even great havocs.

With a global pandemic inducing a nationwide lockdown, several migrant workers found themselves attempting to escape the cities after losing their jobs and houses, in a bid to find refuge in their respective hometowns.

But as the lockdown had also forced interstate transport to shut down it’s services, thousands of migrants, which included women, kids and senior citizens, found themselves covering hundreds of those kilometres on their foot – with the heart-breaking image of their miserable journey, shaking-up the whole world.

It was then actor Sonu Sood – became the first prominent B-town celeb to come forth with help for the labour forces, arranging for various modes of transport to help them reach home safely.

The actor-turned-humanitarian arranged several buses for migrant workers, also providing them with meals and water bottles. He soon turned into a messiah for those troubled souls, just when they had seemed to have lost all hope.

The actor didn’t really look back after that, as his social work continued to grab headlines, one deed after another.

Sonu Sood, became excessively approachable through his social media handles, particularly Twitter, as people sought help from the star for issues ranging from – unemployment to medical exigencies.

The actor even helped open a martial arts school for an ambitious 60-something lady, whose viral video showcasing her skills, caught his attention.

He continued to be in news for causes which included – providing job to an unemployed techie forced to sell vegetables, gifting tractor to a struggling family of farmers, helping out people affected from cyclone Nisarga, helping to bring back 4000 students stuck in Krygzstan – among several other countless small and big actions.

It was inevitable that by the end of the year, he was awarded several prestigious awards and given merits for his social work, that directly impacted the lives of many.

Sood, had stated how his work for the migrant forces during lockdown had brought out the humanitarian in him and had changed him as a person. The result was for everyone to see, throughout the year.

Sonu Sood – is the hero that contributed to saving 2020, as much as it could.
