Shabana Azmi on Kangana Ranaut, “Poor girl, why doesn’t she just do what she is best at, which is acting”

Shabana Azmi has lashed out at Kangana Ranaut, alleging she makes controversial statements with the sole purpose of grabbing headlines.

The veteran actress had a solid advise for the ‘Queen’ star, as she suggested her to stick to acting, instead of making “outrageous statements” – as she calls it.

Kangana – in case you didn’t know, has been actively talking about the alleged “evils” of Bollywood, ranging from groupism, bullying, the insiders vs outsiders battle and the usage of drugs or other similar substances.

The Thalaivi star’s statements have caused some major controversies in the past few months, which put almost the entire showbiz against her.

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From a forthcoming film. Watch this space

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Shabana Azmi, who’s an industry veteran, in her recent interview with Mumbai Mirror, reflected on Kangana’s recent behaviour, stating the following:

“Kangana has started believing in her own myth. She says she taught feminism to the film industry, she taught it nationalism. I’m glad she spelled that out because nobody else had noticed! I think she fears the day when she will no longer be in the headlines and so has to keep making outrageous statements to stay in the news.”

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She then went on to say that Kangana should concentrate on doing what she does best, instead of all this – with a back-handed complement of sorts:

“Poor girl, why doesn’t she just do what she is best at, which is acting.”

The recent controversy pertaining to the death of Sushant Singh Rajput and the ongoing investigations related to the usage of drugs in the film industry, were sidelined by Ms. Azmi as ‘mere distractions’ from more important issues that have shadowed over the country.

“It is a systematic campaign to divert attention from real issues, failing economy, China border tensions, spiraling COVID cases, and farmers’ agitation by putting the spotlight on the supposed ills of the film industry,” said Shabana.

Further adding:

“So ‘Justice for Sushant’ has given way to ‘Weed out the Druggies’ the goal post keeps changing. Instead of focusing on mental health as a serious issue in our society, it’s sensationalism at play.”

Ms. Azmi does make solid points here.

However a balance has to be established between both sides, where the whole industry isn’t being generalized as an ‘evil trap’, yet the points being made by those who’ve experienced it first-hand, are also not being ignored and side-lined by the privileged veterans.

