Making India Proud: Adil Hussain’s Role In Star Trek: Discovery Moves People To Tears

Adil Hussain has once again touched the right chords with the admirers of his talent.

The critically acclaimed actor, who’s previously won a number of accolades for his work at international platforms, has once again represented Indian talent internationally, by featuring in the Star Trek franchise.

The ‘English Vinglish’ actor is seen in the season 3 of Star Trek: Discovery, which is being streamed across Netflix India and abroad and has garnered heartwarming reception from viewers, for the same.

Taking to Twitter, the actor announced his involvement in the project, stating that it is one of the most ‘inclusive’ casts he has ever seen.

Twitter was quick to watch out the series for him, only to later praise his ’emotionally-charged’ role in the show. Even some non-Indian followers of the show, were quick to recognize his talent and reach out to the actor to show their admiration.

Here are some of the reactions:










Once again, Adil has proven that even when your talents are not valued completely at home, you can reach out and spread your wings to other horizons to prove yourself.

Actors like Adil Hussain continue to get mostly neglected domestically, but their talent speaks for itself – and it is almost always inevitable for it to shine-on, eventually.
