Before Coronavirus: Deadly Pandemics in History That Endangered Human Existence

The Coronavirus scare has taken over the world, and every country at present seems to be struggling with the outbreak of this deadly disease.

A dangerous pandemic, the spread of which has created quite a “scare” on the very existence of humanity, and all of us are now left wondering how the world will we be saved from this contagious disease.

Several Scientists around the globe, are in search to create or develop vaccines to fight Covid-19, however, nothing has come out of those researches thus far.

But in spite of how unprecedented these times might seem, this is actually not the first pandemic of such nature in our earth – which has taken a toll on several countries, altogether.

History has been witness to a number of such deadly contagious diseases in the past; pandemics or epidemics which took over our planet, infecting and killing millions by the end of their run.

A YouTube channel named ‘Top Star Hindi’ has compiled the list of such horrifying outbreaks in history, that ended up claiming millions of lives at once.

Let us take a look today at some of these deadly diseases from the past, which, like the coronavirus, put the existence of humans at risk, or at least, made us fear about it.

Watch this intriguing video of the deadly disease outbreaks from the past:


If anything, this gives us hope that – just like we did in the past, humans will survive and get through this pandemic as well.

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