10 Underrated Actors Who Deserve A Lot MORE Work Than They Get

Bollywood has rarely been fair to talent. Especially when we’re speaking of talent, that isn’t backed-up with a big surname, or a star quality that results into big numbers at the box office.

Often times, we see ‘beautifully packaged’ stars being shoved down our throats – as the prodigal representatives of Indian cinema, while those who are actually 100% devoted to the art of movies and acting, get a second-hand treatment.

And thus, as a result, a lot of supremely talented artists/actors have remained under-utilised by an industry obsessed with beautiful faces and glamour and the usual show-shaa.

We have seen these actors, pour their heart out on small budget gems that have lasted the test of time and have remained in the hearts of true appreciators of cinema, but they just don’t have a gigantic filmography as their ‘not so talented, but flamboyant’ counterparts.

Today, on our latest video, we attempt to put together a list of those actors – who have been neglected, and whose talents remain vastly under-utilised.

Watch our video listing down 10 actors who should get a lot more work than they do:


Did we miss any?

Name your personal favourite under-rated actor out of these…
