Maharashtra Family Donates Entire Wedding Money In Fight Against Coronavirus

In these trying times worldwide, as all world leaders are urging people to stay at home and avoid any kind of public gathering – which includes postponing their previous plans of getting married or engaged, there are some who are going out of their way to help out with the cause.

In the fight against Coronavirus, a Maharashtra-based family has donated the entire sum kept for a family-wedding to aid in the process of getting things back on the track.

Vilas Boke, a resident of Udgir – who had saved a sum of 51,000 rupees for his daughter’s wedding has given the whole amount to local administration.

The family also donated some other consolidated essentials to the cause, while opting for a simple wedding ceremony in the presence of limited close family members.

Pravin Mengshetti – the Deputy collector – who also participated in the wedding ceremony was all praise of the family for their noble deed:

“The family’s decision to help the needy at a time like this, is commendable. I hope this motivates more people to help others.”

Way to go! Hope more people show modesty in such times and reach out to those in-need.

Stay home, stay alive!
