Top 10 ACTUAL Best Hindi Movies of 2019, That You May Have Missed..!!

2019 concluded on a note, that saw the most formulaic movies in Indian cinema fall face-down in dust, while small-budgeted content-driven movies continued to gather momentum.

While Indian audiences still have a long-way to go, before they’re fully capable of letting go of just blindly chasing ‘what is popular’, but the shift towards appreciating art in cinema has been notable in the past couple of years.

There were, still, a vast number of movies that were not even known to the masses, but they were certainly better than half of the content that was put out and whole-heartedly accepted by audiences.

Out list mostly constitutes of lesser-known gems like Bhosle, Hamid, Yours Truly and Sir and not at all paying any mind to commercial aspects of the same.

Here are the 10 best movies of 2019 – that you need to keep on your watch list:


So which of these were your personal favorite from the year?

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