Vetaran Actress Asha Parekh Talks About Falling in Love With a Married Man, & Her Decision To Stay Single

Asha Parekh may have been away from the silver screen for several years – all thanks to Bollywood’s shameful bias towards ageing female artists, but that doesn’t mean she has dimmed her light for those who still want to hear about her.

The veteran actress and star of the golden-era of Indian cinema, recently opened up about her personal life like never before.

Asha sat down for an interview with the VERVE magazine and discussed on intimate topics – ranging from her life as a single woman, and her past affair with a married man.

The 77 year old legendary star was all candid and spoke her heart out.

“Staying alone was probably one of the best decisions I made,” Parekh is quoted telling during the interview. “I was in love with a married man and didn’t want to be a homewrecker so, in retrospect, it was the only choice I had, according to the way I wanted to live my life.”

She further added:

“I was always aware that epic love is only found in the movies. But romantic ties weren’t the only kind of relationships I paid attention to.”

“Time and circumstance are everything,” she continued. “You can’t stop what is meant to happen, and you can’t force what isn’t fated to occur. But I hope you know you’re signing up for a life of endurance. Men can be temperamental, and you have to learn to be the balancing force in this relationship.”

She reminisces about her time in the industry and her first-hand account of troubled marriages back in the day:

“During my time in the industry, there were instances of star couples having trouble in their marriages because the men used to philander. It was the women who chose to stick by them even though they knew the kind of shenanigans their husbands were up to. Those marriages have now endured, only because the lady of the house mastered the art of forgiveness or even ignorance at times.”

Refreshing to hear a personal account of a seasoned star like Parekh.

You can read the complete intriguing piece by verve here.
