Rape Accused “Baba” Nithyananda, Who Fled India, Has Now Bought an Island & Declared It a Separate Country!

Fugitive godman, Nithyananda has is trying all tactics to escape being prosecuted by law.

The self-styled godman, has been absconding every since he was charged with a case of kidnapping, raping his former disciple under the garb of spirituality and wrongful confinement of children. He eloped India a while ago to find “refuge” elsewhere.

Reports now suggest that he has now found a new home in an island – which he has entirely bought, all for himself, declaring it as his separate country.

A website by the name – kailaasa.org mentions Nithyananda stating that he’s found his own country, with a separate constitution and emblem.

“Kailaasa is a nation without borders created by dispossessed Hindus from around the world who lost the right to practice Hinduism authentically in their own countries,” the website states.

The website further states:

“Though the Kailaasa movement is founded in the United States, and spearheaded by members of the Hindu Adi Shaivite minority community, it is created for, and offers a safe haven to all the world’s practicing, aspiring or persecuted Hindus, irrespective of race, gender, sect, caste, or creed, where they can peacefully live and express their spirituality, arts, and culture free from denigration, interference, and violence.”

The so-called ‘Country’ will also have a passport feature, which will directly be administered by Nithyanand. The country will also have its own prime-minister.

The question is – is it really this easy to escape prosecution and repercussions of your actions in this country, if you are rich enough to buy an island for yourself?

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