Lata Mangeshkar Discharged From Hospital: Returns Home After Nearly a Month

Singing Goddess and music industry veteran, Lata Mangeshkar finally returned home after being hospitalized for nearly a month.

The 90 year old had been admitted to Mumbai’s Beach Candy hospital after complaining of a chest infection and suffering from a serious bout of pneumonia. She was kept under strict medical supervision in the hospital’s ICU, especially considering her age – and hence extra and time was given to her treatment.

The singer returned to her home yesterday, after making a full recovery from her illness and is now said to be ‘completely healthy.’

Manegshkar also took to her Twitter handle to express her gratitude for all the fans and good wishes that flew her way, during her stay in the hospital.

Here’s what she said:

“For the past 28 days, I was at Beach Candy hospital. I was diagnosed with pneumonia. The doctors preferred that I extend my stay in hospital and go home when completely healthy. Today I am back home with the blessings of Mai and Baba I have my deepest gratitude to all my well wishers all over. Your prayers and good wishes have worked and I humbly bow down to each one of you.”

The legendary vocalist also extended her thanks to the doctors who took genuine care of her at the hospital:

“My doctors at Breach Candy have been my guardian angels and I stand in eternal gratitude to each one of them. The nursing staff has been exceptional. Your endless love and blessings are precious.”

Glad to know the beloved legend is back home and healthy, after a long-awaited return.

Here’s to her continued good health and well-being.
