How Cute! This Cow Visits Same Store in Andhra Pradesh Just to Chill Under the Fan!

While the very name of ‘cow’ may be a bit too politicised these days, it doesn’t quite change the fact that they are one of the most adorable and calm creatures on the planet.

In a rather cute incident as such, a stray cow from Andhra Pradesh has caught the attention of everyone for being a frequent visitor of an Andhra Pradesh shop.

According to the story which has been going viral since it was reported by News18, the cow regularly visits a local cloth store called – Sairam Showroom, and rests under the fan inside the shop for a couple of hours of the day.

The shopkeeper does not mind the frequent visitations as they share a friendly equation with each other. The cow just casually sits at one corner of the store, chilling under the fan – without disturbing the owner or the customers.

“It comes every day and sits under the fan. But if we shut off the fan, it simply walks away. It has never troubled any customer, urinated or soiled the white mattress that covers the floor. It relieves itself only after leaving the store,” the shop owner was quoted as saying by News18.

This has been continuing for the past 6 months and the cow just seems to have added it in its daily routine.

Isn’t that adorable? Why can’t we all have a friendly cow in our house?
