Ranthambore: Tigers Fiercely Fight Over Tigress in Viral Video!

A viral video from Western India’s Ranthambore national park has been doing the rounds lately, featuring two tigers battling it out over a tigress.

The raw video captures the brutal fight between the two animals and shows them in their most natural habitats, in the heart of the wild jungle.

Shared by Indian Forest Department officer, Parveen Kaswan on Twitter – the video has now been viewed and shared by thousands, who are all mesmerised at the rare capture of the candid moment of nature.

“That is how a fight between #tigers looks like. Brutal and violent. They are territorial animals & protect their sphere. Here two brothers from #Ranthambore are fighting as forwarded. (T57, T58).” – he wrote in the caption of the video.

Watch it below:

The thundering roars of the two tigers, obviously makes it all the more thrilling as people online can’t help but gush over their prowess and the ‘paw to paw’ fight.

On a real note, it is great to see the Indian tigers surviving and thriving in their natural habitats after almost being on the verge of extinction some years ago.
