Height of Overacting: Horse Acts Dead, To Keep People From Riding Him

When was the last time you had to fake a stomach ache to escape work? Or when you acted out a frail voice while calling-in sick to work?

Well, if you thought us humans were the only ones who acted all melodramatic to get our way out of work, then you’d be “dead” wrong.

A lazy horse – has now been going viral on internet, for acting out his own death in order to avoid being ridden.

The horse’s name is Jingjang and a video of his dramatic act was shared on social media and has since been going viral.

The horse is apparently not fond of people riding on his back, so it promptly falls to the ground and pretends to be dead.

“The horse that plays dead so they don’t ride him,” the caption to the video reads.

Check it out below:

