Article 370: Sikh Body Akal Takht Pledges To Protect Honour Of Kashmiri Women

Soon after the announcement of the Indian government’s decision to repeal and amend article 370 of the constitution, which gave special privileges and status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, internet was showered with all kinds of reactions.

While a vast majority has supported the government’s decision to take more control of the fragile condition of the place and take matters in their own hands, there have been some who have also expressed their resentment over it.

In the midst of it all, some online trolls have also been poking fun at the state of affairs, making derogatory jokes about the women of Kashmir and how the mainland-living men will now be able to marry-off the valley women.

While some have also joked about buying a property in the land or starting up the business of property dealership, a few have joked how they can now get the ‘fair skinned women’ of Kashmir.

In a response to this misogynistic attitude, Sikh body – Akal Takht has come forward with a vow to protect the integrity and pride of Kashmiri women at all costs.

Here is what the Acting Jathedar Of Akal Takht, Giani Harpreet Singh was quoted saying in a release issued on Friday:

“The manner in which some people are posting pictures of Kashmiri daughters on social media has hurt India’s image. Such comments objectify women.”

Here is what the statement further read (as quoted from Times Of India):

“God has given equal rights to all human beings and it is a crime to differentiate against anyone on the basis of gender, caste or religion. The kind of commands given by elected representatives on social media against the girls of Kashmir after the removal of special status under Section 370 are not only defamatory but also unforgivable.”

The Jathedar also made a reference to the violence and atrocities Sikh women had to face in the 1984 riots, following the assassination of Indiri Gandhi.

As always, great to see the righteous coming together to protect the integrity of our nation’s women.
