Twinkle Khanna Takes a Dig At Gov Building Tall Statues And Renaming Cities In Her Blog

Twinkle Khanna may have retired from acting for good – but among her many other ventures, she now keeps herself occupied by frequently expressing herself on weekly columns and blogs, touching on almost every topic that’s brewing fresh and hot.

The funny lass recently worded out her thoughts on Gujarat’s ‘Statue Of Unity’ – a 3,000-crore investment from the government, which has ignited several heated debates in a country that still suffers from a lot of primitive issues of development.

Good morning #TwinkleKhanna
In her November 11 published blog on Times Of India, Khanna gave a few examples to assert how building the statue was really a question of priorities – especially when you have basic issues like malnutritioned kids and soaring pollution in metropolitan cities.

“The World Health Organisation reports that 14 of the world’s most polluted cities are in our country, with Kanpur topping the list. Our focus though seems to be on renaming cities and building towering statues.” – she wrote, also taking a dig at the renaming-spree, the present government seems to be totally invested in.

She was also quick to point out the Global Hunger index as a reference to all that could have been taken care of instead of building a statue:

“I wonder if we as a nation are focusing more on building sand castles in our jars. The Global Hunger Index 2018 ranks India at a poor 103 out of 119 countries, with one out of every five children under the age of five suffering from acute under-nutrition.”

Unity is Strength🤝✨#sardarvallabhbhaipatel #statueofunity
Perhaps the point being – it really is a question of getting your priorities straight.

What do you think about Twinkle’s take on it?

You can read her complete blog-post here.
