Salman Khan Fulfills Cancer-Stricken Kid’s Wish, By Spending Time With Him At The Hospital

Salman Khan’s professional and personal lives may have been marred by many controversies over the years, but the actor has always managed to win back the heart of his followers by his many charitable deeds and kind social initiatives.

As the entire Bollywood celebrated the over-joyous festivities of Diwali, the ‘Race 3’ star decided to fulfill a young fan’s wishes, who was recently stricken with cancer and is presently receiving treatment for the same.

Govind – was the person who requested Khan to come and meet his wife’s ailing nephew, who’s presently admitted to the Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai.

Despite already being full-till-neck with his tight schedule, Salman managed to take out some time to spend it with the little kiddo, who was visibly cheered-up, upon meeting his favorite star.

Watch the video of his little chit-chat and meeting, which is now going viral:


Beautiful, isn’t it?
